
Accurant offers innovative solutions to tackle pressing climate and energy technology challenges through our portfolio companies. Our investments in fields ranging from renewable energy, smart grid systems, electric vehicles, optimizing energy usage in buildings, and other areas has allowed our alliance to lead the way in transforming various fields. 

Contact us if you are looking to get connected with one of our portfolio companies and explore the solutions they provide.

Climate Change is the defining issue and crisis of our time

To mitigate the worst impact, we need to cut emissions 50% globally by 2030 and reach net-zero by mid-century. With investment, the solutions are within our grasp.

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Sentient Energy

Advanced Line Sensing and Analytics for Distribution Grids

by Sentient Energy

Medium- and low-voltage line sensors, data analytics, fault detection, fire mitigation, optimization, and reliability improvements for a modern distribution grid. Grid analytics and edge control solutions help utilities improve reliability, enhance situational awareness, and facilitate data-driven operational decisions.


EV Managed Charging and Program Management

by FlexCharging

Managed charging platform that helps utilities manage the increasing EV load through telematics, without no additional hardware. Enables utilities to shift EV charging load and reduce energy usage, while still maintaining (or improving) customer satisfaction.


AI-Based AMI Analytics, Customer Engagement, and EV Managed Charging

by Bidgely

Energy intelligence solution that provides utilities behind-the-meter insights and a customer engagement platform for behavioral load shifting, load disaggregation, customer awareness & education, and distribution grid planning. Telematics-based EV managed charging to run incentive-based charging programs.


AMI Pre-Payment and CIS

by PayGo

Leverage smart meter infrastructure to allow utility subscribers to enroll in billing and payment solutions without large deposits or established credit - and "pay as they go" for their utility usage. Credit/debit/ACH is supported through their full Merchant Services Provider (MSP) payment application for pre-paid or post-paid accounts.

Expedium Consulting

OT Consulting & Project Implementation Services

by Expedium Consulting

Consulting, implementation, and advisory services, specializing in operational technology (OT) projects (including SCADA, GMS, EMS, DMS, OMS, DERMS, and EV management). The Expedium Consulting team is made up of experienced industry veterans who understand OT systems and the utility industry.

Systems with Intelligence

Touchless Visual and Thermal Substation Monitoring

by Systems with Intelligence

Touchless monitoring solutions that increase reliability and safety, reducing O&M costs. These systems include continuous thermal and visual monitoring and visualization software with applications in utility substations, underground monitoring, wind energy, and oil and gas.

Expedium Hardware

OT Communications and Grid Management Hardware

by Expedium Hardware

Modern, secure, and flexible communications and grid management hardware that can be leveraged to enable grid visibility and control, designed by industry veterans with utility use cases in mind.


Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)

by 60Hertz

Flexible and generalized solution for asset management, enabling utilities to manage maintenance schedules, processes, and documents based on real-time data, leveraging a variety of job types for assets including solar, battery & wind; traditional grid assets (e.g., substations, etc.); and virtual power plants (VPPs).


Intelligent Wildfire & Smoke Detection

by Delphire

Intelligent AI-powered wildfire detection devices that identify and alert on wildfires or resulting smoke within seconds, using a combination of visual confirmation and other inputs such as chemical detection.


IOT-Based Building Management System

by 75F

The world's most advanced IoT-Based Building Management System, capable of dynamic airflow and chilled water balancing, epidemic adjustments, outside air optimization, automated demand response, indoor air quality management, and variable air volume.


Last-Mile Commercial EVs

by Altigreen

Technologically advanced commercial EVs primarily designed for the last mile transportation segment and engineered specifically for the Indian environment, road conditions, and driving behavior.


Meter and Smart Grid Operational Analytics Platform

by SparkMeter

Smart grid data platform that harnesses the power of data to provide intelligence on customers, trends, rates, supply costs, usage patterns, and more. Enables utilities to leverage real-time AMI and other operational data to manage loading of existing assets and optimize placement of new assets such as transformers.


Cloud-Free Energy Transaction Management Platform


Cloud-based energy transaction platform that helps utilities and businesses utilize real-time data to manage all aspects of their carbon free energy (CFE) including buying, selling, tracking, resource planning, and PPAs.